Physician Kelvin Goh graduated with a Bachelor of Chinese Medicine degree from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. He specializes in pain management, gastroenterology, TCM aesthetics/wellness and general health management. An experienced practitioner, he is well-skilled in multiple areas of specialized acupuncture techniques such as Navel Acupuncture (脐针), Tung’s Acupuncture(董氏奇穴) Abdominal Acupuncture(腹针), Slimming Acupuncture, Aesthetic Facial Needling and Health Preservation Needling.
Physician Kelvin’s aspiration is to restore his patients’ physical, mental and spiritual balance through syndrome differentiation and individually customized patient treatment. He strongly believes in effective communication and listening to patients, combined with appropriate treatment, prescribed exercises, lifestyle changes and nutritional improvements to maximize the therapeutic outcome for aesthetic and health purposes.